Saturday, November 25, 2006

Blog with a bang!!

Today's my blog's lucky day cos i'm back on track after more than a month I think! And it must be a result of my friend mentioning today that she's starting a blog...and I suddenly remembered that I had a task to do as well..and also a result of having boring friends in general, boredom of reading about whether or not to invest in a ULIP or Money back plan, lack of any interesting option at home and no new scraps on orkut either, no place to go and no friends online n no one to go out now u know y I blog.. :)

Well let's see what all I have been upto..there was diwali last mth which was celebrated as usual with a lot of house cleaning and lighting and decorations and some fire crackers as well! Brother was here for the week too and me n mom had this great idea that we'll make idlis for him when he comes and poor guy was just not willing to look at them after having to eat idlis down south all this time! I had even made a list of things I had wanted to do during the diwali hols but did'nt get around to actually doing most...but no fault of my brother, he was'nt even around to get in the way cos his friends kept him busy ...except for the one day we went shopping together and had a pizza n sat and watched TV in the evening..! The week just flew by before I knew it and he was gone again..

Interuption by be continued.

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