Sunday, September 24, 2006


Sunday's here once more and on the lazy afternoon i'm wondering what contribution to make to my poor blog today which has not seen me around much lately...Well I have'nt really been upto much anyway. Work was a bit busy lately but it's been ok for the last 2-3 days and ive even made two new friends on the net! Both punjabi boys u is this energetic, talkitive guy and the other's a more sober, philosophical guy, but they've been fun to talk to and m enjoying!
Then ive been spending a bit of time with the trainee from abroad at office too, guiding her to good stores from where she can shop and check mark her shopping list !! We've also done a bit of shopping together n we got her a saree, some silver jewellery, hair accessories, jaipuri jootis, bangles, bindis and gorged on masala dosa too! oh and in the process I got myself a silk scarf and silver jewellery too. Too bad she's leaving this month end and won't be around till diwali.
And this reminds me, I wanna get a new suit for diwali and am also thinking of picking up a gold bracelet but this time with pretty precious stones...what say?!! Ofcourse there's a lot to be done at home too in terms of preparing for diwali!! Brother's comming home for diwali too...yippee!!
My uncle's built a new house too recently and tomorrow is the greh pravesh (house-warming) party..they plan to move in around diwali. I guess that's pretty much an overview of all that's happened recently...signing out!!

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